Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Promised Land!

When the Israelites heard that God was going to take them to the promised land they were excited as I'm sure you would be too. The road to the promised land however turned out not to be what they expected. They expected to be taken there speedily and in comfort, but instead the road took them through the desert and they endured all kinds of hardships.

Food was scarce and so was water, yet there wasn't a single night they went to bed without having eaten or having quenched their thirst. God provided in their needs in miraculous ways.

But the people of God were not happy and started to long for their life in Egypt. Even though they were slaves, food was widely available and they could eat and drink whenever they pleased. They wanted to get to the promised land as soon as possible and didn't see the need to go through all the trouble.

Although the Israelites didn't realize it then, the difficulties they went through had a purpose. It was preparing them for the promised land. We alway sthink of ourselves as "right" and ready for whatever life wants to give us, but the truth is, most of the time we are not. And it is only when we are put in a pressure cooker, if you will, that our true character is formed.

And even though we don't like this process when we go through it, we are always glad afterwards. Because hindsight gives us the benefit of looking back from our destination and seeing which was the best route.

The story I portrayed happened a long time ago, but is still relevant today. The promise of a land of milk and honey is as real and as appealing to us today as it was for the Israelites. But just as the route of the Bible went through the desert, our route also sometimes go through the desert.

In order to get to the promised land, we sometimes have to endure hardships and make sacrifices, which in the end becomes worthwhile.

There is the well-known saying, "easy come, easy go". We all know people who gained instant wealth, and lost it just as instantly.

Why is this? Because they were not prepared. Lasting wealth and happiness takes time and effort. Most people in the world are not happy where they are, but choose to remain there because they want the easy life.

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