Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Promised Land!

When the Israelites heard that God was going to take them to the promised land they were excited as I'm sure you would be too. The road to the promised land however turned out not to be what they expected. They expected to be taken there speedily and in comfort, but instead the road took them through the desert and they endured all kinds of hardships.

Food was scarce and so was water, yet there wasn't a single night they went to bed without having eaten or having quenched their thirst. God provided in their needs in miraculous ways.

But the people of God were not happy and started to long for their life in Egypt. Even though they were slaves, food was widely available and they could eat and drink whenever they pleased. They wanted to get to the promised land as soon as possible and didn't see the need to go through all the trouble.

Although the Israelites didn't realize it then, the difficulties they went through had a purpose. It was preparing them for the promised land. We alway sthink of ourselves as "right" and ready for whatever life wants to give us, but the truth is, most of the time we are not. And it is only when we are put in a pressure cooker, if you will, that our true character is formed.

And even though we don't like this process when we go through it, we are always glad afterwards. Because hindsight gives us the benefit of looking back from our destination and seeing which was the best route.

The story I portrayed happened a long time ago, but is still relevant today. The promise of a land of milk and honey is as real and as appealing to us today as it was for the Israelites. But just as the route of the Bible went through the desert, our route also sometimes go through the desert.

In order to get to the promised land, we sometimes have to endure hardships and make sacrifices, which in the end becomes worthwhile.

There is the well-known saying, "easy come, easy go". We all know people who gained instant wealth, and lost it just as instantly.

Why is this? Because they were not prepared. Lasting wealth and happiness takes time and effort. Most people in the world are not happy where they are, but choose to remain there because they want the easy life.

Jimmy RoosCassi Blog95519
Aubrette Blog1172

How To Choose The Perfect Refrigerator Or Freezer

Ask any chef or commercial cook, and they will tell you that having the right amount of refrigerator and freezing space can make be the difference between an efficient and well-run kitchen, and a disorganized wasteful one. Unfortunately for most of us, when we open our fridge or freezer door we are confronted with a mess of poorly organized and overstocked shelves. In fact, these days our fridges and freezers have become more of a cluttered out of mind, out of sight storage area, rather than an important implement we use to preserve our food.

When it comes to updating your refrigerator or freezer, you need to think about a number of things. The first and most obvious consideration is the size and capacity of both. The larger the family, naturally the larger the fridge and freezer will need to be.

That said, even if you are a couple, or live alone, your lifestyle might demand you get a bigger fridge and freezer. For example, if you entertain a lot, you will soon become frustrated with a small fridge that does not accommodate food prepared for large dinner parties.

Another obvious matter will be the size of your kitchen, and what size white goods it will accommodate. A very popular option is what is known as a fridge-freezer which combines the two appliances in one. Fridge freezers are generally available in three widths and a range of different heights. If space is not an issue, err on the side of caution by opting for a larger capacity model. This will always ensure you have enough room if your family grows or your circumstances change.

Make sure your fridge and freezer is easy to use and maintain. For instance by buying a Frost Free freezer you ensure you will never have to defrost your freezer again. Also, look out for easy to clean shelves and compartments, preferably with glass shelves that only need a simple one-off wipe down for cleaning. Auto-Defrost fridges are also recommended since they automatically adjust the internal temperature of your fridge to avoid frosts.

Finally, always consider the environmental credentials of a particular model and brand. After all, not only is an energy efficient refrigerator and freezer better for the environment, it is also much better for your wallet since you save money in energy costs!

Rachel Harris writes for an online resource of articles and information.Alyssa Blog59209
Annabela Blog61802

Use of S/MIME technology for securing online communication

The threats to communication on public network have increased over the years of advent in Internet communication. Yet individuals and organizations today are ignorant of ways to secure their e-mail communication. The various threats to e-mail communication on public network are:

Change / modification of e-mail content during transit

Delivery of e-mails to unauthorized recipients

Copy of e-mail to unauthorized recipient without the knowledge of the correspondents

Phishing e-mail messages, i.e fraudulent email messages that appear to be authentic that direct the recipients to divulge personal confidential data or direct users to the fake websites that exist for the purpose of stealing usernames and passwords.

The use of forged from address for sending unwanted mails and viruses

These kinds of attacks/ risks can be prevented by the use of S/MIME. S/MIME (Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a standard for Public Key encryption and signing of e-mail encapsulated in MIME. S/MIME uses digital signatures that digitally sign and encrypt the email. The advantages of S/MIME communication are:

1. Authentication: The authenticity of sender of message

2. Message integrity: The data cannot be modified / changed on sending

3. Non-Repudiation of origin: The sender cannot repudiate later

4. Confidentiality: Data is hidden from all those unauthorized to read it

The digitally signed e-mail tends to increase recipients trust in email infrastructure. S/MIME functionality is built into the vast majority of modern e-mail software and interoperates between them. Financial organizations, retailers and other business entities doing business on internet or exchanging confidential information must adopt the practice of digitally-signing their mail to customers with S/MIME signatures using a certificate signed by a widely-published CAs.

S/MIME uses two X. 509 certificates. The author digitally signs the email with their private key. The message is then cncrypted using recipients public key and sent. When message reaches the recipient the message is decrypted with the recipients private key, and the verified usign authors public key.

One of the reasons S/MIME has not become popular with end users is the lack of awareness of the technology and its benefits. Another barrier in adopting e-mail security techniques has been the deployment of different and mutually incompatible standards for email security like Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM), Open PGP, and S/MIME. The problem caused by deployment of these competing standards is that there is no guarantee that a signed message will be verifiable by the recipient. The other problem is that signatures or sometimes the original email message itself, appear as indecipherable attachments when email clients having some other MIME-based standard, receive them.

This standardization problem has now been solved by the wide-scale deployment of mail clients implementing the S/MIME standard. Support for S/MIME is built-in to Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla and Netscape. Moreover, the keys by several popular certification authorities (CAs) are distributed both with these programs and with many popular operating systems. Thus, there is a high likelihood that digitally signed mail, once sent, can be readily verified.

For more information, please visit

Geetanjali Kulkarni is a Marketing Executive at E-Lock Technologies. E-Lock is a leading provider of Digital Signature and Cryptographic solutionsAlexis Blog8306
Cathleen Blog11928

California Schools Educators Retirement System and Lionstone Group Create Investment Fund

The California State Teachers Retirement System (CSTRS) is the second largest public pension fund in the nation, providing retirement, disability and survivor benefits to California schools educators. Over 776,000 kindergarten through community college educators are members of the CSTRS, which currently has an investment portfolio of $142 billion.

Keeping quality educators in the California schools is of primary concern to everyone in the state. Without well-educated California schools youth, the city, businesses and economy of the state will suffer. Thus, when Lionstone Group, a research-based real estate investment firm, announced last month they and CSTRS had formed a discretionary $100 million real estate investment fund, the news was well received by everyone. As with any organization, good benefits will attract and keep quality educators in the California schools.

What makes the announcement so exciting is Lionstones track record with another fund it created with the Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund (OPERF). Called the Cash Flow Office One, the fund has consistently exceeded expectations since its inception in December 2002. At that time, OPERF committed $75 million to the fund, expecting Lionstone to invest the capital within 24 months. Lionstone invested over 80 percent of OPERFs capital within 12 months with excellent returns. OPERF expanded its funding commitment in 2004 and now has over $200 million of equity and owns 20 office buildings around the country that are valued at $550 million.

Like OPERFs fund, the California schools educators fund, known as the Cash Flow Office Two, will target high occupancy office buildings in permanent locations across the United States.

CSTRS has committed $100 million to the fund, which can grow to over $500 million over time. Lionstone contributes one percent of the funds total equity. With the combined equity added to debt of up to 50 percent loan-to-value (LTV), the total buying power of the fund is approximately $1 billion.

The Lionstone Group was formed in 2001. It creates national investment strategies using primary research. Dedicated teams execute each investment strategy, including the fund for the California schools educators. Before creating the fund with the California schools educators retirement system, Lionstone refined their investment process to target locations that produce buildings with lower risk factors, according to Lionstone Principal Dan Dubrowski.

The California schools CSTRS Portfolio Manager Michael Thompson stated that the Lionstone management team over the Cash Flow Office Two fund is very entrepreneurial. He added that their skill set will enable CSTRS to continue to grow their core real estate portfolio.

This news gives all California schools educators hope for a better future, knowing they have an excellent resource during their tenure with the California schools and in retirement.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on California schools visit Blog66276
Bobbi Blog75563

Tips on Changing Careers - Establishing a Workable Career Plan

7 Steps to Help You Change Careers and Establish a Workable Career Plan

If you are thinking of a career change or if you are trying to lay out a tangible career plan for yourself, there are several important things to consider.

Step One Self Assessment

Self-Assessment is an important first step in considering where you are currently and discovering what direction you would like to go in the future. Some questions you might ask yourself include:

* What are my interests and aptitudes?
* What are my strengths and weaknesses?
* What are my major personality traits?
* Do I have areas of interest outside my current field?

Step Two Consider Career Assessment Testing

Have you ever considered taking a Career Assessment Test? There are many of these tests available on the Internet that can be easily accessed and completed free of charge. This can be a great starting point to help you discover areas of interest that you might not have considered before.

Step Three Set Goals and Objectives

It is also important to discover your goals and objectives for the future. Not only do you need to think about where you are in your current career, but also where you want to go, and how, when, and where you would like to advance in the future. In considering your own goals and objectives, some possible questions to consider are these:

* Where am I in my current career?
* What are the possibilities for advancement?
* Do I want to remain in the field I am currently in, or would I really like to pursue something of greater interest?
* Is there something else Ive always really wanted to do?
* If I remain in the same area, what steps will I need to take for advancement?
* Are there credentials or certifications that would be helpful?
* Do I need to upgrade my degree to a higher level?
* Do I need to earn a degree in a completely different field

Step Four Make a List of Possibilities

Making a list of all the possibilities that you are interested in considering is another helpful exercise. Start by listing all the jobs you might be interested in pursuing. If you have no qualifications in your areas of interest, think about what your options are for obtaining them. Can you attend classes locally or would online learning be a better choice for you? Many times your current family and work responsibilities weigh heavily on the choice for the convenience of online learning.

Step Five Research Your Favorite Careers

After you have a list of possible interesting careers, choose your favorites and begin researching them. There is, of course, a wealth of knowledge on the Internet, but another great avenue is to talk to people who currently work in the field in which you are interested. You can also consider making an appointment with a career counselor at a local college or community college for assistance. Your local library is always an option -- peruse the librarys collection of career guide books. Researching should give you a better perspective and understanding of the careers that interest you and what steps you will need to take in order to pursue a new career.

Step Six Narrow Your Choices

Once the research phase is complete, you must narrow your choices down and consider the pros and cons of each one. This will help you to make specific choices that you can begin to pursue.

Step Seven - Determine Educational Requirements

Once you make the choice, it is time to begin seriously considering the education options available to you. Begin by discovering what type of major is associated with the field and consider whether a minor would be beneficial in any way. Many careers do not require a degree; you can get into certain fields with certificates or diplomas. Once you establish yourself in the area of interest, you can continue to upgrade your credentials with certifications and even earn a degree online while you continue your work.

Nancy Lambert is an executive for provides information on hundreds of degrees offered online through accredited colleges and universities. From online certificates to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees, helps students and adults discover the advantages of earning their degree online.Antonella Blog93031
Barbey Blog51531

Business Continuity Planning

Many years ago, I worked for a small insurance company. Just like many other businesses, we shut down operations for the Christmas holiday. As it happens, this one eventful year Christmas fell on a Monday. The company also gave their employees the preceding Friday off, thereby granting a fourday holiday.

The weather that Christmas season was bitterly cold, as it often is in that part of Virginia. The maintenance staff turned off the heat in our 7-story building to save on costs. Unfortunately, they neglected to turn off the water. I received a call Sunday afternoon informing me there was a serious problem. Apparently, a major water pipe had ruptured on the 7th floor.

When I arrived at the building there were literally large sheets of ice emanating from all the windows onto the sides of the building. Upon entering, I could see just how disastrous this pipe rupture, unattended for two days, was going to be. The ceiling tiles on every floor had given way and fallen into the work areas. All the desks, file cabinets, computer equipment and so on were covered in debris, ice and water.

We had no choice but to turn the heat back on in order to melt the ice. As the ice melted it just further compounded the water problem. Most floors in the building had between 8-16 inches of standing water. The water damage to file folders and documents, electronic equipment, furniture and everything else in the building was devastating.

It took many months to fully recover from what we later referred to simply as the incident. Many important insurance documents were permanently lost. Much of the computer equipment and other electronics were unrecoverable.

Amazingly, the company had made no plans for such a disaster. There was no way to quickly move data processing requirements to an offsite location. There was no offsite storage for the microfilm records used to back up the paper documents. Most of the microfilm, stored in metal canisters, survived. The majority of microfilm readers didnt since electronics and water just dont mix.

The company survived, but just by a thread. We could not process premium payments for many weeks, and people who were expecting insurance payments did not receive them in a timely manner. There were a number of lawsuits. It was, to put it bluntly, a total mess.

Business Continuity is one of those topics that just doesnt receive the level of discussion it requires. Too many people completely ignore it altogether. That can be a fatal mistake as it relates to your business.

Business Continuity is all about planning for the unforeseen events that can occur. Many people also call it disaster planning. No one likes to think about such eventualities, but as the saying goes, stuff happens.

Developing a business continuity plan involves making a thorough review of your overall business structure and identifying potential weak links in that structure. Some of these weak links are internal to your business, while some are external. A good business continuity plan will examine all of the what if scenarios that could adversely affect your business, and then identify possible contingencies.

Every aspect of your business needs to be considered: ownership, product or raw material sources, sales mechanisms (web site, storefront, et cetera), distribution chains, customer support, accounting and financial reporting, and so on.

These what if possibilities will be different for every business. It would be impossible for me to account for every possible manifestation in this article. Instead, I will discuss some of the more commonly overlooked things that can happen. It will be up to you to extrapolate from that discussion in order to identify potential fatal links within your own business structure, and develop appropriate contingency plans. I can only ask the questions.


Is your business dependent on a single key person? Such a person could be the owner, product developer, web site manager and so on. In such a case, that person represents a single point of failure. What happens to your business if something happens to that person? For instance, if your product derives from the efforts of one person, do you have a way to mitigate the effect of that person no longer being available?

Do you keep all your accounting and financial records in a one place? Do you have backup records in an offsite location? What would happen to your business if there were a fire, flood, earthquake, or other circumstance that destroyed those records? Do you have a plan in place to recover from such an event? It amazes me the number of people who dont back up their computer or paper records. If the hard drive on your computer failed, could you continue your operations?

Do you keep your inventory of products in a single place? What would happen if you experienced a fire or flood? Would you have a way to quickly replenish your stock? Would you be able to continue to fulfill orders in a timely fashion? If the answer is no, you have yet another single point of failure.

In the Mobile, Alabama area where my wife and I live, we are at the mercy of hurricanes each year. In the case of Hurricane Ivan and Hurricane Katrina, we lost our power and phone service for nearly a week. If something like that happened to you, do your customers have a secondary way to contact you, or you to contact them? Do you provide your customers with a cell phone number where they can reach you? Is there some local facility (e.g., library, Internet caf) where you could go to check your email?


If you purchase your product or raw materials from a wholesaler, is that company your only source? What happens to your business if that company has a fire, flood, or folds its tent? Do you have a secondary source you can quickly switch to? With the company I ran many years ago, I primarily used three distributors as the source for most of my products. But I also had arrangements with several others I could utilize if necessary. These companies had my TaxID, reseller, and other information already on file. If I had to make a switch, that switch would have been seamless from the perspective of my customers.

Are you dependent on a single carrier for your product delivery? What happens to your ability to deliver your product if members of that carrier go on strike? It happens. Just as with your suppliers, do you have a contingency plan for moving to a backup carrier if needed?

What about the company that hosts your web site? This is a very crucial consideration if your primary sales vehicle is via online means. What happens to your business if that hosting company has a fire or flood? Do they have a contingency plan in place to move operations to an offsite location? If they dont, do you have a way to quickly move to another hosting service? Do you have backups of your own web site (including your shopping cart/order database) that you could move?


As I said, this list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Much depends on your particular business operations. But you do need to consider the possibilities, and their potential adverse impact. Consider all the possibilities.

My recommendation would be to develop a document to define your plans and courses of action for business continuity. It doesnt have to be complicated; three columns is all you need:

1) Potential disaster scenario,

2) Potential impact on your business (you can use a 1-5 rating system for this 1 being low impact, 5 being catastrophic)

3) Contingency Plan

Obviously, the higher the impact rating, the more important it is to define a contingency plan. But dont just ignore it. Your business can survive many disaster situations, but only if you plan ahead.

Ray Herold has a 30+ career in the Computer Information Technology (IT) field. He has been a Systems Analyst, DB and Network Administrator, Website Development Manager, IT Architect and Director of IT. He has owned several successful online businesses. He is also the author of several books related to technology and business.Auberta Blog87458
Ara Blog93279

Obtaining a Home Loan

Secrets of Securing A Home Loan

Four Typical Buyer Questions

1. How do I qualify for a loan?

Start by meeting with a lender. The lender will help you explore options for financing a home.

2. How do I select a lender?

Call two or three lenders.

Conduct a short telephone interview.

Make an appointment with the one that makes you feel most comfortable.

3. How does the lender determine my loan qualifications?

As general guide, you can purchase a home valued at two to three times your annual income.

The lender will also consider your savings and debts.

There are loan programs for first time buyers.

There are programs for buyers with credit issues.

Ask the lender what is best for you.

4. When should I call a Realtor?

Meet with a lender first to determine loan qualifications.

Get a pre-qualify letter.

Conduct a brief telephone interview with two or three Realtors.

Select the Realtor that makes you feel most comfortable.

Make an appointment.

You may be asked to sign a buyer agency agreement. It's fine to sign a short term agreement.

Before you sign a long term agreement, be sure you're comfortable with the Realtor.

Your first meeting with the Realtor

Be open minded. Make a list of features you'd like in your home:

How many bedrooms?

Do you need a garage?

How far do you drive to work?

Do you have animals?

... and so forth.

If you give the Realtor definite parameters; they can find a house for you.

Your first meeting with a lender

Bring this information with you: Salary and bonuses. Employment verification.

Two years of tax returns or W-2 forms.

Military history. Amount of dividends and interest income.

Other regular income such as alimony, child support etc.

Current bank statements both checking and savings.

Market value of stocks, bonds or Certificates of Deposit.

Face amount and cash value of life insurance policies.

Value of personal property and automobiles.

Balances and account numbers for loans, credit card balances and personal loans.

Four types of loans:

1. Fixed Rate - the interest rate stays the same over the life of the loan.

2. Adjustable/Variable Rate - the interest rate can change during the life of the loan.

3. Government Loans - VA and FHA.

4. Bridge/Swing Loans - Short term loans that are paid off quickly.

Within these categories are many variations designed to fit different needs. Which one is right for me?

Many factors enter into the selection of a loan:

Your financial circumstance.

Expectation of future financial changes.

How long you intend to hold the property.

How comfortable you are with the monthly payment.

How comfortable you are with the payment amount changing from time to time?

Discuss your preferences with the lender and the Realtor.

What does my loan payment include?

P includes payment on principle amount

I includes payment on the interest

T may include payments into an escrow account to pay taxes

I may include payments into an escrow account to pay insurance

How much do I need for a down payment?

Down payments vary. They can be anywhere from zero to twenty percent of the homes value.

Veterans and active military may obtain a loan with zero down.

What does the lender need to know about my credit?

If you have had credit problems, discuss them with your lender.

Bring written explanations of credit issues.

If problems have been corrected and credit reestablished, you'll probably be fine.

Credit problems no longer mean you're unable to get a loan.

How long will it take?

Your lender needs to verify all information.

The process may take from one to six weeks.

Within three business days after application the lender must provide you with a "Good Faith Estimate", which is the amount of closing costs you'll be expected to pay and an estimated monthly payment.

Stay in touch with your Realtor and Lender.

Do not be afraid to ask questions.

Home buying can be unnerving; ask the professionals what to expect.


FHA Loans Federal Housing Administration loans are government insured loans. They allow you to buy with a small down payment.

VA Loans Veterans Administration loans are available to veterans and active military. A VA loan may require no down payment.

Balloon Payment A payment that calls the entire loan due in a short period although the loan may be amortized over a longer period of time.

APR The actual cost of a loan as a yearly rate.

Appraisal An estimate of the value of the home, made by a professional appraiser. The maximum amount of the mortgage is generally based on the appraisal.

Interest The sum paid for borrowing money.

Origination Fee The fee charged by the lender to prepare all the documents.

Points Prepaid interest on the loan, charged at the time of closing. Each point is one percent of the loan amount.

PMI Private Mortgage Insurance is an insurance policy the borrower buys to protect the lender from non-payment of the loan.

Title Insurance An insurance policy which insures you against errors in the title search, guaranteeing you and the lender your financial interest in the property.

Copyright (c) 2007 Wee Dilts

Wee Dilts created the original for sale by owner flat fee MLS program, authored the best selling How to Sell Real Estate by Owner book, and has assisted FSBOS since 1983. Colorado For Sale by Owners can register for MLS, purchase her book, or download Free FSBO tips at http://www.fsbofriend.comAnnabal Blog83633
Alvira Blog22121

Corporate Print Buying Online Solutions

Compared to traditional methods, using 'simple to use' internet applications can deliver cost savings, reduce human error and enable faster delivery of products and services to all parties in the supply chain. For enterprises, marketing agencies and printing companies who need to streamline the print ordering process, web to print solutions are available on every level. In today's market place, you can choose from fully managed on-line print procurement systems to self hosted solutions that will enable total control of print procurement and application management.

For the corporate print buyer, the first step in moving your print procurement on-line is to list the requirements for your individual business needs. Your existing print suppliers should provide help with identifying these requirements. It is in everyone's interests to end up with a seamless print procurement process.

One of the biggest obstacles to implementation is the printer's desire to lock in a customer to their own on-line system, with the customer having the opposing view. It is vital for the print supplier to recognise this fact. Equally, the customer needs to recognise the value that a totally integrated print ordering solution will provide. The advantage to both is that it can cement a relationship for a period of years, leading to stability for the supplier and enhanced service for the customer.

Another challenge is introduced when more than one print supplier is involved. One answer for the corporate would be then to use a print management company or agency. If you're superhuman and know your printers will collaborate well, you might be able to manage this yourself. The above statements will apply.

Another option is to bring the whole thing in-house. Whether ordering stationery or managing constantly changing marketing collateral, the fundamental benefit is being able to enforce brands and manage document print and distribution. Sometimes, the corporate is the best placed to manage this. Whatever route you choose, successful print ordering implementations are those that involve all people. Those who will be touched by any new processes - internal employees or suppliers - should be part of the planning process. It's better to do this in the beginning when you are listing your requirements. People's fears can be addressed as well as outlining the benefits of change.

What's Possible?

Ordering Versioned Print: Typically, versioned printing is referred to when there is more than one copy of a version of a document or item. But, there may be any number of variations of that document or item. For example, a sales leaflet for a holiday company may have a design which it uses to advertise a range of holidays. However, even though the design and layout is the same, the content could be different for each type of holiday. There may be changes to text, pictures and colours specific for each offer. However, the print quantity for each offer will be more than 1 copy.

Ordering Personalised Print: Personalised printing is referred to when each print copy is unique to the recipient. The individual difference of each one might only be a change of name and mailing address. Or, if it is for 1-to-1 marketing, personalisation could be a complex combination of different text and images. An example might be a postcard advertising a car with an offer personalised to fit the recipients profile.

Printing Versioned and Personalised Items: With the very latest Digital Presses, quality is very close to that of Litho. Using real inks, immediate drying and fast delivery of finished personalised print, it isnt difficult to see why this sector of print is growing. Many organisations are enjoying reduced costs and business growth as a result of implementing targeted print campaigns as part of their overall sales and customer service strategy.

Modern Digital Presses are capable of producing quantities as low as 1. Although technically there isnt an upper limit on quantity, runs up to about 2000 will remain competitively priced. At this point the higher speeds of Litho Presses will make Litho Printing a more cost effective option.

Combining the latest on-line technology with variable print solutions provide print buyers with maximum advantage. Being able to manage marketing campaigns and short run variable printing from the desktop has never been easier. With the right solution, it is possible to order print 24/7 from anywhere in the world, send files direct to press and have jobs delivered within hours.

Stock Management: For printing where larger quantities are needed, e.g. 10s of 1000s, storage, call-off from stock and re-orders need to be managed in an efficient and cost effective way. The best way to achieve this is by implementing a stock management system, with ordering and administration available via the desktop.

Richard Leeds is the founder of PrintJuggler, and provides a personal service for customers with custom printing and gift wrap packaging requirements. For corporate print customers, PrintJuggler provides eShop on-line ordering.Ariana Blog21607
Ashleigh Blog78402

Amalgamate Your Debts!!! Personal Bad Debt Consolidation Loans

Consolidation of your debts

Most of the people these days are having more than one debt with them. These debts can be combination of loans, unpaid credit cards bills, electricity or gas or other utility bills and other forms of credit. Repaying all this debt is a difficult task full of trouble and hefty calculations while maintaining your budget. Consolidation of debts can help you out here by reducing all your monthly debt payments. This can be done through the help of a personal bad debt consolidation loans.

Personal bad debt consolidation loans

Personal bad debt consolidation loans are the perfect partner for an individual facing trouble in repaying his debts and need respite in form of consolidating his debts. With the help of a personal bad debt consolidation loan amount you can repay all your debts at once. The benefit here is that you will only have to make a single monthly repayment which will easily fit into your pocket at low interest rates.

Form of personal bad debt consolidation loans

If you are a homeowner or having any asset offer as collateral to the lender, you can easily get a secured personal bad debt consolidation loan, else an unsecured loan will suit you with slightly higher rates but faster approvals.

Bad debt or bad credit holders

Personal bad debt consolidation loans are specially meant for the people with a bad credit score i.e. CCJs and IVAs, defaulters and arrears etc. These loans helps them recover from there bad credit simultaneously clearing their debts.

Things you need to ask the lender for while selecting a personal bad debt consolidation loan

1. What fees will apply to the loan?
2. What is the interest rate on the loan?
3. What are the payments on the loan?
4. Will the loan adversely affect my credit rating?

Search to apply

You can get the free quotes for personal bad debt consolidation loans through online website. You can compare these quotes and select the best one among them. The best here means a loan quote which not only suits your requirements but also is easy to handle while making repayments. Afterwards you can fill an online application for with personal details, loan amount, residential status and other requisite details.

After debt consolidation through personal bad debt consolidation loans

Once you get the hold of your debts through a personal bad debt consolidation loan, you should take measures to avoid further debts and manage loan repayments easily. You can take the help of credit counseling, debt management programs or debt management plans etc to stop the debts from arising further and letting you enjoy a stress-less life.

Eva Baldwyn aims to inform common men and women of the several issues involved in personal loans and mortgages through her articles. An MSc in Economics & Finance from the Warwick Business School is proof enough of the knowledge that she possesses in the field of finance. To find Personal bad debt consolidation loan, Bad debt consolidation, Bad credit debt consolidation loan,Credit card debt consolidation loan visit Blog10272
Bibbye Blog25884

The Kind of Man She Would Follow Half Way Around The World

Many men are convinced that if they just find the right woman then everything will be perfect in their marriage. They either think that they are fine as they are or they think that they dont have to change or dont want to.

They want their wives to accept them for who they are.

Okay. Lets take a look at who you are.

How did you prior relationships or marriages fair? If you are a widower and the reason you are looking for a new spouse is because your wonderful spouse died -- you may be right you may be a great husband and father.

For the rest of you, and I am including myself in this group, take a look at all of your relationships that failed. What is the common denominator in all those relationships? Give up?

YOU. Thats right. You are the common denominator in all your failed relationships.

That should give you a clue that there are chinks in your armor.

Lets go through a checklist:

Do you drink alcohol to excess or use drugs?

How often?

Every day?

Every week?

Have you gotten into trouble with the law or at work or in your relationships because of this?

Do you gamble?

Do you bet on sports or other events?

How often do you go to gaming casinos?

Do you bet more than you can afford?

Can you stay within your pre-set limit?

Has gambling been a problem in your past relationships?

Do you like pornography?

Do you frequent strip clubs or cathouses?

Have you had sex outside of your marriage or relationships in the past?

Have you been serially monogamous (faithful to your partner)?

Has sex been an issue in your relationships before?

Can you and have you had reasonably frequent sex with your past partners?

Do you have problems with sex (premature ejaculation, failure to get an erection, et cetera)?

Have you had problems at work because of sex (sexual harassment, having sex with coworkers, et cetera)?

Are you financially stable?

Can you provide for your wife?

Do you have financial problems or have you had financial problems in the past?

Are you current on your bills?

Do you have savings accounts and retirement accounts?

Do you have divorce settlements or child support payments that severely restrict your lifestyle?

Are you paying child support for minor children that you have?

Are you current on your child support?

Are you actively involved in your childrens lives?

Would you consider yourself a good example to your children and other children?

Do you spend time with your children?

Do you feel guilty about your relationship with your children?

Do you do things with them that you both like to do? Are children safe with you?

Are you safety conscious?

Do you wear a seat belt?

Do you have car insurance?

Do you have life insurance?

Do you have health insurance?

Do you have disability insurance?

Do you have property insurance?

Are you a safe driver?

Do you drink and drive?

Are you in good health?

Do you exercise?

Is your weight normal?

How would you rate your eating habits?

Would you be able to complete a five-mile hike without problem?

Are you able to play with your kids without problem?

How is your job?

Are you employed?

Do you find your job rewarding?

Is your job stable?

Do you frequently find yourself daydreaming about a new job?

Do you get along with your co-workers?

Would someone else describe you as a workaholic?

Would you describe yourself as a good person?

Would you describe yourself as a moral person?

Are you trustworthy?

Are you a good friend?

Do you have a few good friends or people you can confide in?

How are your family relationships?

Do you get along well with your parents and siblings?

Is your family structure a healthy one?

Do you consider yourself a spiritual or religious person?

Do you go to church or regular spiritual gatherings?

Are you considered a member in good standing at your church or spiritual organization by others in your organization? Do you have healthy hobbies and interests?

Do you read books and like to learn new things?

Is your television viewing taking over a large portion of your life?

Does your computer time cut into your family time or your involvement with others?

Do you have volunteer organizations that you donate time to?

Are you involved in coaching or other community activities in which you give back to the community?

If you answer these questions honestly, you should have a fairly good appraisal of yourself as a human being, potential husband, father, employee, and community member.

You know your strengths and your shortcomings.

Are you willing to work on your shortcomings to become a better person?

If not, then you probably arent going to make a very good husband and father. The best way to get in touch with your personal shortcomings is to get involved in a relationship.

Your wife will be more than happy to point out any shortcomings you have that are in your blind spot!

You can wait until she points them out or you can work on them yourself. I recommend that you take care of them yourself.

Do you know what the secret is to finding a perfect mate? The secret is that you have to attract her to you. Not with money, trinkets, bragging, buying her gifts, or showering attention on her.

You have to attract her on a cosmic level. You have to become the kind of human being whose personal standards are so high that you are irresistible to a woman who is looking for the ideal man.

It is a law of the universe that like attracts like. You are going to attract to yourself exactly the kind of person that you are.

The best way to attract the best quality woman for you is for you to become the best person you can be.

In other words, the process of finding the perfect mate is more about you becoming the best man you can be rather than it is about finding the best woman.

If you are the perfect man, you will attract the perfect woman.

You now know your assignment work on developing your personal strengths and minimizing your personal weaknesses.

Become the kind of man that she will leave everything that she knows and loves behind and follows half way around the world to have and to hold.

The process of wooing, winning, and wedding the woman of your dreams has been a personal quest for you.

Like the knights of old, to join the Round Table, they had to venture on a quest where they used all their talents, skills, and mental toughness and ingenuity to accomplish their quest.

The quest in itself was not the important thing. It was how the knight was transformed while on his quest. He became a better person. He was transformed into a man who could slay dragons or move mountains.

In the process of your pursuit of your ideal mate, you will be transformed. You will be become a better person, a better husband, and a better father.

Your quest to woo, win, and wed the woman of your dreams is more about you becoming the right man than it is about finding the right woman.

John Kunkle has been successfully married to a Belarussian wife for over five years. He has traveled extensively through Russia and other CIS countries. He will tell you why you should consider Russian women, how to meet them, how to bring your special woman home, and how to survive married life.Buffy Blog50469
Birgit Blog42957

This Career Will Be Around for a LONG Time

We all dread the word "downsizing" as we look at our careers. As a former consumer investigative reporter for Post Newsweek TV, I am always looking for real opportunities in the career field that offer longevity. This is one that fits that category.

The new career opportunity that I discussed with Howard Williams is one that is both physically and mentally challenging as you will learn.

You see Howard is one the leading USA storm adjusters and has been involved in the field for over 35 years. Recently I had a chance to sit down with Howard and discuss his years as a storm adjuster.

Hugh: Howard, what exactly is a storm adjuster and what do you do?

Howard: When a major storm or other catastrophe hits anywhere in the country and the claims load is larger than the local adjusters can handle, the insurance companies turn to a core group of storm adjusters. These adjusters are available to respond to disasters wherever they are and whenever they are needed. Working as an extension of insurance company's claims department, adjusters assist the company's policyholders in evaluating and preparing their claims for damages.

Hugh: I think that you have created a slogan that pretty well says it: Going where needed, when needed.

Howard: Yes, that is true and it has certainly been true in my case. In the past 35 years I have been to almost every natural disaster and even several man-made ones that have made the headlines in the United States. Most recently I spent six months in the Hurricane Katrina ravaged areas of Mississippi and Alabama.

Hugh: Six months?

Howard: Yes, I was there in the area for six months except for coming back home several weekends. That is one of the requirements of this profession. You must be able to go any time and any where they need you. For instance, with Katrina I was on the road heading to Mississippi as soon as the roads were open for rescue trucks to get in there. I arrived there to find no motel rooms available in either Mississippi or Alabama. I finally found a condo that I was able to rent in the panhandle of Florida. Therefore I had to make that long trip daily back and forth. So you have to know how to take care of yourself and I credit a great deal of that ability to my former police training.

Hugh: Yes, I knew that you had been a police officer in your earlier years. What other training have you found valuable?

Howard: As you know I'm also a personal coach and that training has been immensely valuable. For instance, in Florida, when I have worked the big hurricanes like Andrew I have found numerous senior citizens who were in a total state of shock. I would arrive at their homes to find them sitting in living rooms that had no roofs with water soaked carpets. Many had no one to turn to since their neighbors were too busy taking care of their own problems. So the first item of business is for me to get them out of that house. I want to get them into a nice clean, dry motel room if possible.

Hugh, you have to learn to EMPATHIZE with their situation and not get caught up in the drama going on. That's where my personal coach training has been invaluable. Most storm adjusters either are too business like or they get caught up in the drama happening. You want to help but you still have to focus on the situation determining the damage done to their dwelling.

Hugh: So what do you do to determine that damage?

Howard: This is where you have to use your skills of estimating and also having a background in construction certainly does not hurt. I have to begin to look at the overall situation to determine what has been damaged by water and what has been damaged by wind. As you are aware as a consumer investigative reporter, there have been numerous stories in the media regarding this with Hurricane Katrina victims. No one seems to understand that certain damages are not covered by insurance.

Estimating and surveying the damage is where it can get very interesting. You may find yourself climbing up to a roof to explore damage and the next minute find yourself crashing through that roof! It has happen to me. Also usually in areas like Mississippi you are likely to find numerous snakes beginning to take up residence in the houses. Not to mention the heat that usually returns after the storm.

Hugh: Well with my fear of heights over 10 feet this is certainly not something that I would do well with.

Howard: That's where a husband/wife team comes in real handy. We find a number of husband/wife teams in storm adjusting. Usually, but not always, the husband will do the climbing and the wife will write down the findings. Both need to know how to estimate and a background in construction is a plus"

Hugh: Well, I'm sure people reading this interview will want to know: 'How much can one make in this business?'

Howard: This can be a very lucrative career especially if you are doing major events like Katrina. I earned in the neighborhood of $120,000 for the six months work.

Hugh: WOW, $120,000 for six months work?

Howard: Yes, when you learn the ropes like I will be teaching at my new school in North Carolina, it is possible to eventually be earning that amount for six months work. And both fortunately and unfortunately, this type of work will not have any downsizing in the near future.

Hugh: Yes, as you know I also own an emergency preparedness consulting business. Our reports from Max Mayfield, chief meteorologist for the National Hurricane Center, are that the powerful hurricanes like Katrina will increase in number over the next ten years.

Howard: Yes, and that is just hurricanes. Think of all the earthquakes, tornadoes, wild fires, wind storms, floods, etc. occurring in the United States every year. According to our industry association there will be a need for 1,000 new storm adjusters in 2007 alone.

Hugh: Howard, you mentioned your new school. Tell us more about it and how people reading this interview can learn more.

Howard: Yes, I have decided to take my 35 years of experience in storm adjusting and offer a two week school for those looking for a new career. Also I will be sharing all the updated information in this field from my recent classes that I have attended. A person taking this course will learn about estimating, construction information that can make their job easier (I want to assure people that you do NOT have to have a background in construction to apply), writing the reports, communicating and working with the insurance companies, etc. For those that would like to learn more they can visit our web site at and after reading if interested can contact me at

Hugh Simpson is a former consumer investigative reporter for Post Newsweek TV and currently is an emergency preparedness consultant with his partners at US Prepared, LLC. You can get your FR** Emergency Preparedness Guide at Blog42430
Anjanette Blog84074

Understanding Coin Price Guides

There are many coin price guides published; weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and annually. They come in the form of magazines, newsprint, hot sheets, and books. All of us have referred to one of these from time to time to ascertain what a particular coin might be worth. Yet, few of us stop to think about what we are getting from any one of these Price Guides, beyond the price or value of a coin. After all, dont price guides, just give you the price? What else is there?

Basic to an understanding of price guides are two things: 1) the Grade of the Coin; and 2) the Foundation of the price guide. Knowing the Grade of the Coin is required before one can begin. Saying so seems to be obvious, but what more does it mean?

Unless the coin is Graded by an appropriate Professional Grading Company, which has designated what Grade and Identity has been assigned to the coin, most of us are making an assumption about the actual Grade. This assumption we make can be very dangerous because of: a) the difficulty in grading a coin; and, b) the different possible outcomes or results that occur. One Grade point or level can make the difference in hundreds or thousands of dollars in the Value of a Coin.

Price Guides assume that YOU already Know the Grade of the Coin. This is why we have the First Rule of Coin Collecting: Know the Grade of Your Coin.

Secondly, ALL Price Guides are founded on the same Principle, which is that the Coin, whose price you are looking up, has been Graded using one Grading Standard. That Grading Standard is set by the ANA American Numismatic Association and is entitled the Official Grading Standards For US Coins.

Therefore, ALL Price Guides have a silent assumption built in to their guide; which is that the Grade that YOU decide upon, is True or Accurate, and that such Grade is based on the ANA Standards.

The first difficulty that arises is that most people never know if the Grade that they have decided upon is Accurate. Of course, this difficulty never comes into question, if the coin is Professionally Graded by an appropriate company. There are only four (4) reputable Professional Grading companies that strictly follow the Guidelines set by the ANA, and they are: PCGS, NCG, ICG, and ANACS.

The second difficulty arises because of this silent assumption or Foundation of all price guides is whether or not the Grade has been decided upon using the Guidelines or Standards established by the ANA. If you dont have the skills and training of a professional coin grader, the decision is probably questionable.

Even if you do have the skills and training of a professional coin grader, the decision is still probably questionable. Why? Because even professional coin graders have differing opinions. This is why the reputable professional coin grading companies require the opinions of three (3) professional coin graders to arrive at the Grade designation to be placed on every coin.

The obvious conclusion is that a Serious Coin Collector is going to invest in rare and modern coins that are graded by one of the Top Four reputable Grading companies. It is the only certain way to eliminate the disagreements and arguments about the Grade of Any coin being Bought or Sold! It is the only certain way one can Value their coin collection. It also eliminates getting taken or cheated buying raw coins.

Have fun collecting your Perfect Coins!

Robert L Taylor, JD
Copyright © 2006

Robert Taylor is a 59 year old retired Lawyer, from Denver, CO, who spent most of his career representing people who could not afford an attorney, and who has had a passion for collecting US coins. Wanting to share his Passion, he created http://www.ThePerfect-Coin.Com which features US Rare and Modern Dollars (from 1878) and Coins (from 1960), all Certified and Graded by NGC or PCGS. Allissa Blog80149
Althea Blog41456

Business Degree Online

Business Degree Online is basically a virtual college school where people earn college credits, masters, even doctorate without going to school, attending classes or sitting in classrooms. It commonly uses Distant Learning Programs (DLP) through the Internet to transmit and convey lessons, assignments and even exams. Eventually, a business degree online enrollee gets his or her diploma after completing the required units and eventually is considered a graduate, and can apply for the job he or she is most qualified to. The choice to pursue higher degree (online) is also possible right after getting the credits.

It is a type of education, typically college-level, where students work on their own at home or at the office and communicate with faculty and other students via e-mail, electronic forums, videoconferencing, chat rooms, bulletin boards, instant messaging and other forms of computer-based communication.

Most distance learning programs include a computer-based training (CBT) system and communications tools to produce a virtual classroom. Because the Internet and World Wide Web are accessible from virtually all computer platforms, they serve as the foundation for many distance learning systems

Ismael D. Tabije is the Publisher-Editor of, a unique niche-topic article directory that features exclusively business and management topics. For a large dose of business degree online tips, ideas and strategies, see

Here are some familiar terminologies often used in acquiring a degree online:

Accreditation is the recognition of certification of an institution that has been reviewed and meets specific measures of quality

Asynchronous Learning is learning where people are not all simultaneously online but at the same time can still interact on the peoples most convenient time of the day by using e-mail, discussion groups/forums and the downloading of courses/lessons through Internet or CD-ROM.

Blended Learning is the combination of online and in-person learning activities which is becoming more popular.

Computer Based Training (CBT) is the training (especially related to education) being conducted through a computer which is not connected to a network.

Certification is the proof of credentials earned in a specific (or even several) fields, equivalent to a diploma granted to a student who finished up in a conventional institution/school

Distance Education is the form of learning outside the habitual classroom situation. The teacher and the students interact but are not in the same location.

Facilitator is an instructor who assists and prompts the learning process during online lessons interactions.

Online Learning is the general term that speaks of any knowledge acquisition from online or the Internet.

Ismael D. Tabije is the Publisher-Editor of, a unique niche-topic article directory that features exclusively business and management topics. For a large dose of business degree online tips, ideas and strategies, see Allissa Blog80149
Alina Blog33782

Disney Cruise Ports of Call

Disney Cruise Ports of Call

While the Disney cruise ships themselves are a fabulous vacation destination, they are also a floating 'Fantasyland', traveling to beautiful and exotic ports of call. If you can manage to tear yourself away from the activities and amenities of the Disney cruise ships for a few hours, many wonderful adventures await you when the ship docks.

The Disney Wonder departs each Sunday from Port Canaveral for a 4 night cruise, and again each Thursday for a 3 night cruise. Both itineraries include stops at Nassau, Bahamas and Castaway Cay, Disney's own private island paradise. The 4 night cruise also includes either one day at sea, or an additional stop at Freeport, Bahamas.

The Disney Magic departs from Port Canaveral each Saturday for a 7 night cruise, and it alternates between cruising the eastern Caribbean and the western Caribbean. The Eastern Caribbean cruise includes stops at St. Thomas/St. John, St. Maarten and Castaway Cay, while the Western Caribbean itinerary includes stops at Key West. Cozumel, Grand Caymen and Castaway Cay.

This summer of 2007. The Disney Magic has departed from its usual journey around the Caribbean, and instead has traveled across the Atlantic to cruise the Mediterranean for the summer months. It is departing from Barcelona, Spain for 10 and 11 night cruises to beautiful cities on the Mediterranean, with stops in Italy, France, Spain and Sicily. Next summer, the Disney Magic will travel through the Panama Canal to spend the summer on the Mexican Riviera, with stops at Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallerta and Mazatlan.

Beware that the passport rules for American travelers have changed, and may or may not affect your travel plans. As of today, passports are required for all travel across borders by air - including Mexico, the Bahamas and the Caribbean, but not for travelers who arrive by cruise ship. They are planning to make passports required for cruise ship travelers soon - perhaps as early as January, so be sure to keep posted as to the rules. Even when passports are not required, having one certainly makes disembarking much quicker, and the wait for passports is extremely long due to the changing rules, so if you need a passport, be sure to apply sooner rather than later.

Stephanie Larkin is the editor of, as well as She and her family love to cruise - her 3 children especially love the towel animals and chocolates left on the beds at night!Adriaens Blog91553
Celestia Blog31100

Website Basics-How to Register Your Domain Name

The simple and short answer is that when you buy a domain name, you are registering it. The reason for this article is that there are some optional features available that are well worth considering when registering a domain name.

First and foremost, make sure that the email address and contact information you give when registering a domain name are accurate. This is especially true in the case of the email address. Communications regarding the status of domain names are sent to the email address on file, so give an email address that is readily accessible to you, and if you change email addresses at some point please be sure and update the email address attached to your domain name. It cannot be stressed enough how important this is. Often people lose access to their domain name or lose the domain name altogether because they can no longer access it, and the number one reason for this is their email address changed, they failed to update it with their domain registrar, and they no longer receive important communications regarding the status of the domain name.

Privacy One of the deluxe options you will be offered at the time of domain name registration is the option for privacy. Youll probably want to take advantage of this option. All domain names are listed in a large internet database called the WhoIs database. Without adding privacy to your registration, your contact info, including your name, address, phone, email, etc. all become public information, and readily accessible to spammers, telemarketers, and junk mailers. Private domain name registration is not mandatory and will not block all spam, but it is well worth the extra investment nonetheless.

Business Registration This next option concerns how your domain name is perceived in the WhoIs database and by the search engines. If your planned website involves commercial interests, this is a highly recommended option as well. Business registration places your domain name in WhoIs as a business, rather than a personal registration, and lists you by business category and subcategory. There is also an option to place an online business card and a link to a map to your store location, which will show up on the search engines. This also boosts your standing with the search engines; ie., business vs. personal.

Platinum Registration This option protects your domain name from domain name hijack. In the event that you give others access to your account, such as when hiring a web author to build your website, Platinum Registration locks the domain name down in such a way that no one can modify or steal it in any way. Highly recommended as well.

Multiple Years In the past few months Google and Yahoo, among others, have modified their search techniques to include checking the length of registration of a domain name. This is to weed out the pretenders from the players. Registering your domain name for a minimum of 5 years (or more) will boost your esteem in the eyes of the major search engines. For more information on this topic, read the article HERE.

Richard JamesAlix Blog46392
Aleece Blog78208

Keep Your Information Secure

Encryption is the process of storing information in a way so as to make it unreadable without special knowledge. Encryption has been used to protect communications and secure information for centuries, but only organizations and individuals with an great need for secrecy had made use of it.

Julius Caeser is the first known user of an encryption system. His system was known as Caeser's keys. He wanted to send messages, but did not want the messengers to read them. To prevent this, he used an alphabetic substitution in his messages; replacing "A" with "D", "B" with "E", "C with "F", etc. The recipient of the message was aware of the secret of the encryption, so for him it was very straightforward to decipher the message.

An example of a sentence using Caeser's keys is below. It is not difficult to see the pattern.

Obviously, this method of encryption is not very secure. Though encryption has been around for thousands of years, only in the last century have we seen great advancement in the field of cryptography.

The invention of computers changed the face of cryptography completely. Computers were able to calculate much faster than the people who worked on them, and suddenly an encrypted message could be broken within a few minutes on a normal PC, and consequesntly the message was no longer secure. In response to the need for new and secure methods of encryption, the cryptographic world flourished in the latter part of the 20th century. In the mid-1970s, strong encryption emerged from the preserve of secretive government agencies into the public.

In cryptography, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES); also known as Rijndael, is a block cipher adopted as an encryption standard by the US government. Rijndael is used worldwide and analysed extensively. Rijndael became effective as a standard May 26, 2002. As of 2006, Rijndael is one of the most popular algorithms used in symmetric key cryptography.

The cipher was developed by two Belgian cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, from whose surnames the term Rijndael was conceived. The cipher was submitted to the AES selection process, stating that Rijndael was designed based on the following three criteria:

1) Resistance against all known attacks
2) Speed and code compactness on a wide range of platforms
3) Design simplicity

Rijndael was evaluated by the National Security Agency (NSA), based on its security, its cost and its algorithm and implementation characteristics. There were several candidate algorithms, but Rijndael was selected as it had the best combination of security, performance, efficiency, ease of implementation and flexibility. NSA stated that Rijndael was secure enough for US Government non-classified data. In June 2003, the US Government announced that Rijndael may be used for classified information.

It is the mark of good quality software if it uses the Rijndael encryption method to secure information.

One such program is Info Manager. PortaWhiz Info Manager uses the Rijndael encrytion method to keep your information secure. The program gives you one place on your Pocket PC your desktop where you can organize and store all of your important information into neat folders. This means that all your important information is stored together, in neat and tidy bundles; which are easy to retrieve at any time you require. Only the bearer of the administrator password will then possibly be able to access it.

The program is available at

Jonathan StrombergAbbye Blog17920
Calli Blog62864


Cosmetic surgery has taken a new perspective and has a whole new meaning with our celebrities (Hollywood and Bollywood) today opting for it like a necessity. Sometimes they are not even done for correction. These surgeries, no doubt, change the look. The minor change which makes a major difference.

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery, breast lifts, breast reduction, breast implants and liposuction are the most commonly opted for cosmetic surgeries. One does not necessarily have to be fat for a liposuction; cellulite could also be due to fatty deposits. Sometimes on losing too much of weight the skin starts sagging and falling loose. No amount of exercise or gyming (does not exist in the dictionary but seems apt) can help sagging or loose skin. Only the removal of fat like a tummy tuck or a thigh lift can alter the situation and can reduce the appearance of cellulite to an extent.

If one can one should avoid weight gain in the first place, though ofcourse it is sometimes genetic and sometimes there are reasons like hyperthyroidism that cant be prevented. In a study reported in the journal Clinical Endocrinology, the researchers studied 162 people with hyperthyroidism for six months. Those who already were overweight, whose hyperthyroidism was caused by Graves Disease, or who had lost weight prior to diagnosis all had similar amounts of weight gain, which was approximately 5 to 5.5 kg (11 to 12 pounds) over the six months during which they were treated with antithyroid drugs for radioactive iodine. There are some unavoidable reasons.

Liposuction is kind of a cosmetic surgery performed to remove localized fat deposits from different parts of the body. You can aim at a specific area and have fat removed. This kind of fat is difficult to lose with dieting or exercise. Though there is a false notion that liposuction is a treatment for obesity. This surgery is primarily performed to remove fatty deposits or loose sagging skin from a particular area. There is enough skin left back which does not disrupt the body configuration and adds value to the body silhouette.

For more details visit us at :

Dr. Raja Srour's skill and dedication have made him one of the leading practitioners of plastic surgery for thirty years of private practice. He received his medical degree and surgical training at the American University of Beirut. Dr. Srour's natural instinct for aesthetics was a major factor in his decision to pursue specialized training in plastic surgery at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. With his own private practice in Los Angeles, Dr. Srour has applied to his work his intense desire for harmony and perfection in the human body.Caitlin Blog43751
Celina Blog98354

The Overlooked Weakness Of Offshore Corporations, Foundations & Trusts

Forget everything you think you know about keeping your holdings anonymous using offshore banking, limited liability companies (LLCs), international business corporations (IBCs), trusts, foundations or non-profit companies.

Thats a bold statement. But its a very different world today than when most of these constructs were developed. Or when the books were written that popularized their use for privacy-seekers.

There was a time when a holding company or well-formed trust in an offshore jurisdiction, perhaps set up by a trusted intermediary, could assure you and your finances a good degree of privacy. But those days are over. New know-your-customer rules are making the use of traditional anonymous companies and trusts almost impossible. And improved information sharing now allows financial authorities to authenticate beneficiaries of LLCs or IBCs more effectively than ever before, and obtain their details with relatively simple requests.

What are trusts, IBCs and foundations?

An IBC is a corporation, a legal entity entitled to do business around the world in a given name. The names of the board of directors and beneficiaries of the business may not be publicized, but there is at least a cursory public record from the incorporation documents. Common to all IBCs are the dedication to business use outside the incorporating jurisdiction, rapid formation, secrecy, broad powers, low cost, low to zero taxation and minimal filing and reporting requirements. An increasing number of offshore jurisdictions are permitting the use of nominee shareholders, directors and officers.

A trust is a legal entity that can hold property or assets for the benefit of a specific person, group of people or organization known as the beneficiary (beneficiaries). When a trust is established, an individual or corporate entity is designated to oversee or manage the assets in the trust. This individual or entity is called a trustee. A trustee can be a professional with financial knowledge, a relative or loyal friend or a corporation. There are pluses and minuses to each type of trustee. An individual trustee may provide a more personal touch, but may die or move away. A corporate trustee may be less personal but provides experience, investment skills, permanence and impartiality. More than one trustee can be named by the grantor if he or she wishes.

A foundation, and many non-profits, are formed as a sort of a private trust. A popular type is a so-called Liechtenstein Anstalt, which has been traditionally used primarily to conceal the true owners name from tax authorities. All instructions regarding asset management and withdrawals must come from the Anstalts board of directors, often a firm of lawyers. These lawyers, usually with two signatures, are the only ones empowered by power of attorney to give orders to a bank that controls the trusts account(s).

The problem in a nutshell: identification of beneficiary

No matter how oblique and discreet the provider of your front company or trust, a name, and often a passport now, always needs to be associated with the structure; at some point, someone perhaps you, perhaps a nominee director, perhaps the secretary, perhaps even your registered agent needs to identify themselves as the beneficiary of any bank account associated with the company or trust. Unless youre willing to offer identification that is not legitimately yours, it's highly likely that you, or someone else who actually knows your real identity, will be connected to the account if someone sufficiently motivated were to seek the beneficiary of your corporate or trust holdings. And that's bad, even if the person who is exposed is a lawyer, supposedly protected from having to identify their clients.

What do we mean? Say your favored privacy consultant refers you to their lawyer colleague, described as extremely discreet; Id trust him with my life. This colleague is to set up an IBC on your behalf in the Cayman Islands. The lawyer offers to act as your registered agent and/or power of attorney. He requires a copy of your passport (usually notarized, if not apostilled see our article Whats an apostille, and why is it important?) and promises to retain it in confidentiality. And he does, until, two years later, he gets a knock on his door from authorities interested in your account. A lawyers client privilege is easily violated if a matter is criminal, or even perceived to be criminal.

Whats the alternative? If you still opt to create an LLC, IBC or trust and name the beneficiary in another name than yours, you could technically use identification that isnt legitimately yours. Your picture would need to appear on the ID, so as to be able to authenticate your image if you needed to show up at a bank to claim your funds. Now, in the best case, and things go well, you run the risk of not being able to access your holdings at some point in the future when your camouflage identification expires if youre unable to produce a new set when required to identify yourself by the bank. In the worst case, the bank may learn your identification is falsified and flag your accounts to be frozen once theyve amassed generous balances. The bank, and therefore any agency pursuing you, also then has a picture of you of file from your ID, a picture that is likely your true likeness. Not to mention other identifying data which could incriminate you, such as the IP addresses, and therefore the locations, of computers youve used to access their online banking systems.

How could a bank learn your identification is false? Financial institutions, even overseas, are becoming increasingly connected via technology, and many are now able to do realtime database validation of passport and drivers license numbers from many countries. Read our article What you need to know about camouflage identification for details.

Who needs to worry about this?

Always remember that magnitude of investigative resources that will be brought to bear in a pursuit will be directly proportional to the magnitude of the perceived offense. Would authorities really go through a complicated multinational effort, chasing down the beneficiary of a given company, trust or foundation for someone secreting away only a relatively small amount of money, perhaps to minimize taxes? Probably not.

Would they expend more effort in tracking down and stopping the beneficiary of criminal activity? If the sums were in the low millions of dollars and the chances of success high enough, perhaps.

Would they pull out all the stops if they believed significant criminal activity were involved, with proceeds in the tens of millions of dollars, or if they remotely suspected a connection with terrorism? Most definitely.

Why are IBCs and LLCs still being promoted?

Why do many offshore service providers and asset management advisors still advocate the use of companies and trusts for securing assets? Because theres an immense industry around the world that makes a huge amount of money processing the paperwork to set them up. And they have dozens of years or more of momentum in the marketing of their services. Their effectiveness at truly assuring you anonymity is not really the concern of the clerk or legal professional involved. When youre pursued and their records are subpoenaed, they will oblige, and they know it. And now you know it, too.

Jon Winthrop is publisher of Power Privacy, a web site dedicated to helping members protect their personal and financial privacy. Visit for details.Alberta Blog9606
Brynna Blog61396

Option ARMs: The Sky is FallingThe Sky Is Falling So Says The Chicken Littles Of The World

Every investment vehicle and financial program under the sun has some sort of risk attached to it. Whether it is stocks, bonds, stock options (deep in the money/out of the money) puts, arbitrage, stock shorting, derivatives, mergers, Real Estate Investment Trusts, etc. The key is managing the risks within suitable parameters while superimposing an investment template and guidelines over the investment.

Many have used the Option Adjustable Rate Mortgage for consumer home purchases and some are in deep do-do for never understanding exactly what the downside held for them. Many wealthy people have used the Option ARM in combination with financial planning, as they knew exactly what to do with the payment difference between the fully indexed payment and the option payment. They put it to work to more than offset any negative amortization and have benefited. A well-known lender proponent of this vehicle structures the deal with an 80% or lower LTV (Loan To Value) and offers a biweekly payment schedule. This allows the borrower to pay the loan off in 21 to 22 years by making one extra payment per year thereby shortening the term and saving 8 to 9 years of payments. This can make for tremendous savings while working within the program guidelines. The problems started when the Option ARM became morphed by new players in the game by allowing Piggy-Back Second mortgages behind the potentially negative ARM thereby putting more pressure on the borrower to keep up with the adjustments during the current mortgage upswing. Typically the monthly payment has a 7.5% built in escalator per year for the first five years with an additional limitation of the amount of negative amortization (original mortgage amount goes up) 115% of the original loan amount. During an accelerating real estate market the appreciation has kept ahead of the negative amortization. For example: If a borrower had an original 80% LTV loan of $450,000.00 and the difference between the fully indexed rate (fixed margin percentage and the variable index used) and the minimum payment amount was say 6% less and neighborhood prices per appreciating say 11% per year fine. Even with say 3.5% inflation a borrower would be ahead of the game in this scenario. Keep in mind, the 11% appreciation is taking place on the total value where the negative amortization is effecting the mortgage amount only. As long as this scenario carried forward for say five years the borrower could be still be ok. However, when the market turns suddenly, the borrower could be upside down (owe more than the property is worth) in short order.

The best evidence of the sudden turn of events is in monitoring the foreclosure rates of ARMS versus Fixed rate mortgages. In many areas, there are steep rises in these programs. To complicate things, hybrid OPTION ARMS have found there way into ALT A market with borrowers demonstrating less than stellar credit, employment, assets, etc. or a combination of all the aforementioned. With this combination and perhaps a Piggy Back Second Mortgage making for an initial 95% to 100% Combined Loan To Value the handwriting has been on the wall for major problems when a downturn occurred in property values. There will be foreclosures, short sales (lenders settling for less than what is owed) and much agony experienced by borrowers, but eventually it will work itself out. Regulators are already touting closer regulation of Option ARM and other mortgage hybrid products that may pose a danger to the consumer.

So do we through the baby out with the bath water, or is there a way to make this program work?

Lets then look at a four-unit residential investor property acquisition using an OPTION ARM mortgage vehicle. This is a scenario and discussion of buying property in a softer market as is found in many areas of the country. If the goal in any investments is to make something in the range of 10% plus or minus in other investments then how would this four unit stack up. First of all if you are a professional property manager, great. If not, spend a lot of time to locate and interview a licensed professional property manager perhaps with a Certified Property Manager Realtor designation. Proper management is a must. A street smart Realtor who is not afraid to make lots of low offers is another. Like stocks, a margin account can get you about 50% leverage. Likewise real estate has that and more. Our goal then would be to buy an undervalued property with seller help on costs. The property will be structurally sound with a good roof but may be tired looking and dated with tenants paying less rent than the market. After negotiating a stellar price and term deal the financing will need to allow us CASH FLOW while we tune up the exterior and interior including updated baths and kitchens, carpet and new decorating. The existing tenants will be given the opportunity to stay and pay the higher rents or move and bring in new rental customers who can appreciate the amenities of the new digs. The key to this deal is the OPTION ARM mortgage, which will allow for a low starter payment while the property is being rehabbed. When rents stabilize-full payments can be made at the indexed rate. This will be on a 75% Loan To Value basis to make the numbers work. On a $500,000 property a mortgage of $375,000 at a start rate of say 2.75% or a payment of $1,530.90/month. Rents would be $4,400 per month with a vacancy factor. Taxes are $5,200 or $433.33/month and hazard insurance is $291.66/month. The units have separate meters for water, electric and gas. The owner pays the garbage and lawn maintenance and snow removal. The property was the dog on the block so there is excellent appreciation opportunities over time. Rents will move up annually. In this instance, the property has a Net Operating Income of $33,000 before debt service giving a Cap Rate of $33,000/$515,000(including costs) = 6.4%. With the 2.75% payment rate on the Option ARM the cash flow would be $33,000-$19,000=$14,000 in Cash Flow. The initial investment is $125,000 down + $8,000 cost + $35,000 fix up totaling $168,000. So with $14,000 in cash flow the return on equity is $14,000/$168,000 = 8.33%. Now with the interest and depreciation factored in of some $13,636 plus an interest deduction of $26,250 totals (fully loaded) = $39,886 giving a tax loss of $39,886-$33,000=$6,886 but with a before tax cash flow of $14,000. The Federal Tax savings would be some $2,065 for a 30% tax bracket. The total return on equity would $2,065 + $14,000=$16,065/$168,000= 9.56% in After Tax Return. To compare to fully taxed investments we would then allow for the 30% tax bracket or 9.56%/. 70 = 13.66% before tax rate for investment comparison purposes.

Option ARMs can make sense for a discounted value property at a value below market that will appreciate with upgrades and improvements to make for a more desirable rental space. In this niche with 80% LTV or lower using this program can make a lot of sense. A borrower does not HAVE to go negative; it just cuts down on the positive cash flow. The Option ARM gives lots of flexibility to an investor where cash flow is king. Its not for everyone. The property has to be acquired at the right price and there must be the potential for a greater value with improvements and higher rents. If that is not the case, pass; bring on the next property. Make lots of offers and bargain for your terms. The blush on this rose (current market) will be returning sooner than not. Market opportunities do not last in this dynamically changing climate. Option ARMS can be used as a useful cash flow tool. Compared to other investments, the depreciation and interest deductions are huge for sheltering investment dollars with the opportunity for appreciation and increasing rents to keep up with rising operational costs. Take a closer look. This can work for good or bad credit. Give it a shot and complete your due diligence.

Dale Rogers

Dale Rogers is a thirty-year mortgage veteran and frequent contributor to the Broken Credit Blog The BCB is a free website created to assist the general public with information about credit repair and responsible mortgage lending.Ardeen Blog75650
Alyse Blog33665

Attract Tenants Through Advertising

For a successful business, it is very necessary to advertise various products and services that are provided so that the customers can have a look at these products and then choose according to their tastes and preferences. By advertising, the business unit gains popularity and the overall growth is dependant on it as it contributes in increasing the level of profit.

Nowadays, advertising for real estate is also on the forefront as if you have a property to give it on rent but you are not finding an appropriate way to find a genuine buyer, you can advertise about your real estate and can find a large number of buyers that would be interested in taking your property at rent and paying you a handsome rental. Moreover, renting needs a lot of courage as it might be possible that the tenant might not pay the rent on time or keep your property with care.

Therefore, advertising your rental property is the best option to go with. These advertisements are easily accessible by various people and this helps in the marketing of property rentals. You can also take the services of a rental agency that will help you in getting a good tenant for your real estate. These rental agencies are gaining wide popularity because they attract a lot of people by their special renting schemes.

The best way to advertise your property for rent is to put your property�s specifications and details on your Local Flyer 20 or more zones and on national rental website as this will contribute in attracting a large number of buyers across the country and the rental for your property will have a larger market and thereby helping tremendously in increasing the value and interest of your property,

You can also go with the option of advertising or putting up a notice on your community�s board that will highlight your proposal of renting property at exclusive prices. One can also go with the option of increasing the visibility of the rental property notice at schools, colleges and offices.

In addition, when you will find a potential tenant, don�t make hasty decisions and check the important details about the renter as if there will be a bad tenant, you will have to face severe problems.

Also, it is necessary to make the tenant acquainted with rules and regulations beforehand and a rental agreement should be duly signed. Last but not the least, while advertising; make sure that you don�t miss to mention that you need potential and trustworthy tenants for your property

Gus Taperman holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce and completed his master's in Business Administration. He is working as writer and financial consultant http://www.taperman.comAshley Blog1914
Bobbie Blog1823

Winter a Time for Garden Preparedness

It is helpful to visualize your winter garden as the summer garden stripped back to its bare bones. The importance of attractive and clean lines and clear delineation of space cannot be over emphasized. The plants, structures and walkways which remain after the showy spring blooms are long gone, the perennials and bulbs of summer and fall have been put to bed for the winter season is the true framework of your garden.

The winter garden doesnt have to be black and white, or even just boring green and brown. It must rely largely on shape and solid structures to demonstrate its basic beauty but can and should also have spots of bright color or whimsical highlights to add visual interest.

Consider the shape and design of your garden shed, for example. Perhaps a miniature pagoda might be suitable, even if it is just a hint of roofline shape to bring Japan to the minds eye. Maybe a tiny gingerbread cottage would add just the right touch of whimsy. Through the use of outdoor heating accessories, you may even be able to add another few weeks to your enjoyment of the garden space.

If you prefer to stick with natural plantings rather than a substantial structure, give thought to ornamental evergreens. There are so many colors of green that a winter garden which features a mixture of evergreens in a variety of shapes, sizes and shades of green can be a dramatic focal point.

You can tuck in icicle pansies for a bright bloom of color well into December in most climates. This new breed of the gardeners favorite color spot flower will bloom in early fall, survive winters first frosts, lie dormant during the cold season and bloom again in early spring. These flowers are specially adapted for use in northern climates, but could also be used for brightening your winter garden.

Jonathan Coffman is the owner of Always Green Nursery located in Columbia, MO. They are a premium grower of perennial plants to retail and wholesale customers across the country. You can buy plants, seeds, gardening supplies and more from Blog40598
Ame Blog66611

Why Choose Caribbean Vacation?

Can you imagine taking a vacation to the Caribbean for under $600? Well, it is true; you can find vacation and promotional packages online, which will put you on a cruise to the Caribbean.

You can enjoy a six night stay across the Caribbean Seas. Aboard the ship you can relax at the spa, or solarium. Shopping, beaches, cruise, activities, entertainment, and more is some of what you will enjoy by choosing Caribbean packages.

Various vacation packages are available online. The top selections include the Grand Cayman Islands, San Juan, which cruises through Puerto Rico; Varadero, Cuba, and Santa Domingo, which cruises through the Dominican Republic. Santa Cana also cruises through the Dominican Republic. Additional hot spots include Nassau, Bahamas, Montego Bay, through Jamaica, and so on.

Other areas traveled in the Caribbean are the cruise through Negril, Jamaica, Baracoa, Cuba, and Paradise Island in the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic areas, and more.

Traveling the Caribbean will take you on a voyage through many places. Along the way you will enjoy phenomenal scenery, heavenly waters, sandy beaches, background mountains and more. As you cruise on the ship you will enjoy many luxuries, such as sightseeing on the deck.

During night hours most cruises offer entertainment, meals, wine, drinks, and more. Typically, ships provide internet and phone access, as well as TV, DVD, satellite, videos, and in-house bath facilities.

The Caribbean has no end to the activities you can enjoy. Caribbean holds carnivals throughout the year. You can enjoy fishing, golf, hikes, nature based attractions, sailing, scuba diving, snorkeling, underwater exploring, water sports, yachting, and more.

The Caribbean has an underground sea world, which you will enjoy once your ship sets anchor along the shores. Of course, you will tour the lands as well as sail around various areas throughout the Caribbean and its surrounding.

Make sure you consider Caribbean glass boat cruises as well. Various sources are available, which enable you to sail the bottom of the sea on a glass boat, while viewing exotic fish, shipwrecks, coral reef, whales, and more. In addition, if you enjoy underwater marine life, you can also rent a submarine to emerge yourself beneath the Caribbean waters.

Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website Cruises Center. To read more excellent cruise tips go to Blog88653
Cammi Blog15960

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